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High Blood Pressure, Nutrition and Medication: The Low Down

Your Price Chopper/Market 32 Pharmacy and Nutrition Team can help you take care of High Blood Pressure, also known as Hypertension.
Whether just diagnosed or managing high blood pressure for some time, our Pharmacists and Registered Dietitian-Nutritionist have information and resources that can help you enjoy a healthy, happy life. Important guidance to follow:
- Always follow your Health Care Provider’s directions.
- Talk to your Health Care Provider, Pharmacist or Dietitian when you have questions.
- Be sure to take medications as directed. Talk to your Price Chopper Pharmacist about the PharmaSmart Blood Pressure Kiosk, medication adherence programs and other ways to manage your medications. We have courtesy refills, mobile text alerts, and a mobile app available.
Over 103 million Americans have high blood pressure, which is measured as 130/80 or higher. High blood pressure, or hypertension, can be caused by a variety of factors, including genetics/family history, lifestyle, and chronic stress. Children can also be diagnosed with high blood pressure. Chronic, untreated or unmanaged blood pressure can lead to other health issues, including increased risk of stroke, heart attack, heart failure, kidney damage, and more. A lifestyle approach called the DASH Diet can help reduce blood pressure naturally with healthy foods that offer specific nutrients, including potassium, magnesium, and calcium. Keeping sodium low is also important – following a low sodium DASH diet has been shown to be as effective as medication for some individuals.
Heart disease is the leading cause of death and 647,000 American die from heart disease each year. Maintain a health weight, blood pressure, cholesterol, and quit smoking (if you do) to help minimize your risk. Follow your Health Care Providers guidance and the tips below from our Pharmacy Team to help keep your heart disease in check.
What can I do to maintain a healthy heart?
Take your medication every day. Your Health Care Provider prescribed your blood pressure and cholesterol medications to help keep your heart healthy. Need ways to help you remember to take your medication? Download the Price Chopper Pharmacy mobile app or sign up for text alerts.
Check your blood pressure regularly. This way you will know where you stand.
Visit your Health Care Provider regularly.
What should my blood pressure be?
We usually shoot for less than 120/80 for blood pressure goals. If you blood pressure is higher than 120/80 but lower than 130/80 we say it is elevated and once it reaches 130/80 you would be considered in the hypertension range.
We recommend to take two separate readings and to follow up with your Health Care Provider if your blood pressure is over 130/80 or if you are experiencing any shortness of breath, headache, or pain in your arms.
What should I do if I want to quit smoking?
Don’t try alone! Talk to your Health Care Provider and contact a free quitline like 1-800-QUIT-NOW for help. Nicotine is very addictive and you can double or triple your chances of quitting by using a medication and taking advantage of counseling resources.
The DASH Diet
• is low in saturated fat and dietary cholesterol
• is low in sodium (if following the low-sodium version)
• is rich in potassium, magnesium, calcium, protein, and fiber
• emphasizes fruits, vegetables, and low-fat dairy
• includes whole grains, fish, poultry, and nuts
• limits red meat, sweets, and sugary beverages.
The DASH Diet and a heart healthy lifestyle can be delicious and nutritious! The Know Your Colors nutrition guide can help you locate Low Sodium, Whole Grain and Heart Smart foods throughout the store, cutting through marketing to support choices that are a good source for the nutrient benefits shoppers are looking for. The nutrition attributes are color coded to help you see the shelf tag options clearly so you can compare and choose well. The Know Your Colors Program is intended for general nutrition information and not as a treatment for any issue or condition. Please consult your healthcare provider and/or registered dietitian-nutritionist for information directly relating to individual health needs. Read the entire food label to get complete information on any product.
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Know your colors
A guide to making smart food choices.
Our useful food guide pairs colors with the specific nutrition information you’re looking for to meet the personal needs of your family.
In-store Color Bars
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Gluten Free

Product states gluten free on label or has gluten free certification seal.
Whole Grain

First ingredient is a whole grain and second ingredient is not sugar or the product bears a whole grain stamp; no more than 4g sat fat, no more than 480mg sodium, at least 1g fiber per 15g carb or no added sugar.
Low Sodium

Contains no more than 140mg sodium; no more than 4g sat fat; at least 1g fiber per 15g carb or no added sugar. No more than 13g total fat. No more than 60mg cholesterol.
Carb Smart

Contains no more than 35% of calories from carb and no more than 15g total carb; no more than 4g sat fat; no more than 360mg sodium; at least 1g fiber per 15g carb or no added sugar or sugar free. No more than 13g total fat. No more than 60mg cholesterol.
Heart Smart

• If not seafood, whole grain, or nut, the product must have no more than 6.5g total fat, no more than 1g sat fat with no more than 15% of calories from saturated fat, no more than 0.5g trans-fat, no more than 20mg cholesterol, no more than 360mg sodium, no more than 10%DV nutrient of concern, and less than 10g added sugar
• Fish or shellfish must have <=5g total fat, <=2g sat fat, <=95mg cholesterol, <=360mg sodium, >=10% DV of nutrient of concern, and <10g added sugar.
• Omega-3 fish must have no more than 16g total fat, no more than 4g sat fat, no more than 95mg cholesterol, no more than 360mg sodium, ar least 10%DV of nutrient of concern. Cannot contain any added sweeteners or fats.
• Nuts must have no more than 4g sat fat, no more than 140mg sodium, at least 10%DV of nutrient of concern, and less than 10g added sugar.
• Whole grains must have no more than 6.5g total fat, no more than 1g sat fat with No more than 15% of calories from sat fat, no more than 20mg cholesterol, no more than 240mg sodium, at least 10%DV of nutrient of concern, at least 2g fiber, no more than 7g sugar if fiber is no more than 5g OR no more than 9g sugar if fiber is greater than 5g.
Protein Smart

Contains at least 5g protein; no more than 4g sat fat; no more than 480mg sodium; at least 1g fiber per 15g carb or no added sugar. No more than 13g total fat. No more than 60mg cholesterol.

Product does not contain any animal products, contains a plant-based protein source with at least 5 grams of protein.
5 Tips to Make a Great Plate

1. Make half the plate fruits and vegetables. Use fresh, frozen, canned or 100% juice items. Double servings on favorites makes it easy to eat more!
2. Make ¼ of the plate whole grains. Brown rice, quinoa, barley, oats, cereals – there are many ways to enjoy whole grains. Use the Whole Grain guide in stores to choose well.
3. Use herbs, spices and fresh citrus juice and zest to add flavor and lower sodium.
4. Opt for low fat dairy – 2 to 3 servings per day.
5. Go easy on sweets, including drinks and desserts. Explore seltzers, spritzers and fruit-based desserts to satisfy your sweet tooth and get more produce.