Low Sodium Foods
A guide to making smart food choices
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Sodium is a mineral that is vital to health, and is naturally part of many foods. It is also used extensively in food items as a seasoning and preservative. The Dietary Guidelines for Americans and The American Heart Association agree – American should limit sodium to 2300 mg or less per day. Unfortunately, the average intake is far higher – over 3400 mg per day, which may have a negative impact on health, including high blood pressure, kidney and heart health. Over 50% of Americans have high blood pressure, and many do not know it. Children’s health is also at risk from high sodium intake.
The good news is that it is easier than ever to enjoy delicious, lower sodium options in almost every food category. At Price Chopper/Market 32, we make shopping for low sodium options easy with the Know your colors Low Sodium nutrition guide. The FDA criteria for low sodium is 140 mg of sodium per serving or less. The yellow Low Sodium color bars and icons, on the shelf tag and online, make shopping for low sodium foods quick and easy. Know your Colors Low Sodium tagged items meet additional general dietary guidance criteria, including:
Limits on saturated fats
Benefit of 1 gram of fiber per 15 grams of carbohydrate OR no added sugars
All fruits and vegetables, lean meats, most fresh seafood, no salt added canned vegetables, frozen vegetables and fruit without added ingredients are naturally sodium free or low sodium. Check labels for added ingredients and sodium content
Low Sodium

Contains no more than 140mg sodium; no more than 4g sat fat; at least 1g fiber per 15g carb or no added sugar.
Look for the color indicators ‣
Each nutrition attribute has a unique color – “Heart Smart” is red, “Organic” is dark green. Look for the color bars on the shelf tag, or explore the color icons when you shop online. Scanning for colors at the shelf makes it quick and easy to find Low Sodium foods (yellow), Carb Smart foods (orange) or Gluten Free items (Blue). Shopping with your kids? Make it a game and energize your whole family to eat well! That is smart food shopping, simplified.
Carry your colors with you! Download our guide to making smart food choices.
1. On shelf tags in store

Color bars can be found here on the shelf tags
2. Online

Online icons can be found on the shopping page
We strive to highlight Low Sodium items on shelf tags and on website shopping resources, but due to data and product changes, all items that meet the standard may not be tagged. Please be sure the bar code/UPC number on the item matches the shelf tag item/UPC number.
The Low Sodium color guide on shelf tags in stores is yellow, and may help time-crunched shoppers locate items that meet lifestyle goals. Please see the standards below for the full criteria. The Know Your Colors Program (https://www.pricechopper.com/know-your-colors/) is intended for general nutrition information and not as a treatment for any issue or condition.
Please consult your healthcare provider and/or registered dietitian-nutritionist for information directly relating to individual health needs. Read the entire food label to get complete information on any product. It is anticipated that the Know Your Colors standards may be updated or changed as national guidelines, including the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, are revised to include new evidence and science. (https://www.fda.gov/food/food-labeling-nutrition/fda-nutrition-innovation-strategy) Please contact our Consumer Services Department with any questions. https://www.pricechopper.com/about-us/customer-service/contact-us/
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