Homegrown sweet corn is one of our specialties and just one example of how we celebrate the flavors of the Northeast. We team up with a variety of Northeast farms to choose seed varieties that produce the most tender, flavorful corn you’ll find anywhere. Here are some great ways to make the most of one of our region’s best agricultural products!

  1. Make Fritters

In addition to eating corn right off the cob, try spicing it up with a recipe from our friends at Reeves Farm in Baldwinsville, NY –  Reeves Family Corn Fritters  

  1. Spice it Up

Try this Spicy Maple Mayo from our friends at Butternut Mountain Farm in Morristown, VT. Simply mix 1 cup mayonnaise, ¼ cup pre maple syrup, ½ juice from a fresh lime, and 1 teaspoon chipotle chili powder together for a tangy twist. Spicy Maple Mayo is one of our favorite additions to corn on the cob. Check out Butternut Mountain Farm’s website for more info – Spicy Maple Mayo.

  1. Eat it Fresh off the Cob

Sweet corn is even sweeter when eaten fresh off the cob. Many of our local farmer friends, like the Eckhardt Family in Stephentown, NY, enjoy sweet corn raw as much as they enjoy it cooked. It’s a simple yet very tasty option to try this season!

   4. Make Mexican Street Corn Salad

Looking for a fun twist on your corn this summer? Add this recipe for Grilled Mexican Corn Street Salad – Grilled Mexican Street Corn Salad  to your repertoire. A refreshing combination of flavors sure to satisfy your summer palate!

     5. Kick it up with Parmesan Spread

Fire up the grill for this one! This recipe for Grilled Corn with Parmesan Spread & Basil – Grilled Corn with Parmesan Spread & Basil makes a perfect side dish for any summertime barbeque.  Be prepared as your guests will be calling for more!

Here in the Northeast sweet corn is a summertime staple. Nothing says summer like that first bite into fresh, crisp corn on the cob. The classics are great, but we love to mix it up, and these are five great ways to do just that. Maybe you’ll even discover a new favorite! Whichever way you choose to enjoy your local corn this growing season, make sure to stop by your local Price Chopper or Market 32 for all of your summertime goods!

Written by Rainy McEwan, Jr. Business Analyst

It's officially here!

Summer is officially here! In the Northeast we know that means we finally get three lovely months of respite from the cold winter, so we have to make the most of it! Between beach trips, hiking, and days at the pool, there’s one thing they all have in common: they require energy! Instacart can save you time and energy by delivering your groceries straight to your door in as little as two hours! Now you can have a lovely picnic instead of spending that time at the store!

Sunrise hike.....

Time to pack up in preparation for a sunrise hike? You’ll want some protein on the way! Bring some granola bars or cheese and crackers to easily snack on and keep your energy up. Don’t forget plenty of water, too! Once you reach the summit, what better way to celebrate your accomplishment than a nice breakfast spread? Muffins, turnovers, or bagels, just don’t forget the coffee!

Something about the fireflies in the humid summer air feels romantic, doesn’t it? But why wait until the weekend to sweep your significant other off their feet? With Instacart, delivery is available in as little as two hours, so you can have everything right at your door soon after getting home from work!  Start with a simple, light salad: greens and your favorite toppings, or save some time with a grab ‘n’ go salad! Then impress with your expertly prepared main course- some marinated chicken breasts, perhaps? Close out the meal with some fresh, ripe strawberries– light and refreshing, this aphrodisiac is everything to love about the season.

Cookout Classics

Classic cookouts require all the essentials: hot dogs, hamburgers, and snacky sides galore! You’ll need something for your guests to stack all your delicious treats on, just add some Simply Done designer tableware to your cart! But oh no, you realize you forgot potato salad and soda, and your guests are already arriving. Not a problem, Instacart here to save the day! Available at over 100 locations, just go to the website or app, add what you need to your cart and an Instacart shopper will pick up and deliver your items straight to your door! You can rest easy knowing that Instacart will be there for all your
mishaps, tight spots, and days where you really want to avoid leaving the A.C. this summer.

Keep Your Food and Family Safe This Summer!

food safety blog.jpg After a long winter and cool spring, temperatures are finally warming up making everyone eager for outdoor picnics and barbecues. While these temperatures are ideal for that, they also provide a perfect environment for bacteria and other pathogens in food to multiply rapidly and cause foodborne illness. You can help prevent harmful bacteria from making your family sick by avoiding the “Danger Zone” and following the “Core Four”. The Danger Zone:  temperature range between 40°F and 140°F Clean: Wash hands and surfaces often Separate: Don’t cross-contaminate   Chill: Refrigerate promptly Never taste foods you think might be unsafe.  Most food poisoning bacteria are tasteless, colorless, and odorless.  When in doubt, throw it out! Written By: Mark Larose from Garden State Growers 177350518 Happy June to you gardeners! Summer is in the air. By now, you should be enjoying some of the fruits of your labors, or annuals of your labors! Color is abounding in your garden, and on a warm day with a nice breeze, your yard or home has the fragrant scent of Spring in it. Now is the time that many people are ready to do their summer planting. June is the time of year where the past meets the present along with a glimpse of the future. How so? Many of your flowers are just finishing up their bloom, while others are fully strutting their glory, and then again, some are just ready to burst with a rainbow of colors! One hint that you may not have tried is to include a bed of succulents. They add a sturdy and hardy base of color and are beautiful to look at as well. If you need some other suggestions to enhance the color spectrum of your garden, consider some Coreopsis, Marigolds, Periwinkle, Hollyhock, Sunflowers or Shasta Daisies. Also, try to do your watering at cooler times of the day after dusk to prevent quick evaporation. It’s not only the wise thing to do, but will help with your water bill as well. Don’t forget to pay attention to your lawn too. I’ve heard tell that so much attention is being paid to the garden, that sometimes, the beauty of green grass is lost in the mix. Remember that gardening is a wonderful family tradition for many. If you have children, consider including them in this seasons planting. Remember to take pictures of your garden for Facebook and show it off to your friends. Either way, have fun. Happy Gardening! Want a chance to unwind with a  $200 gift card to the spa? Open your world and unwind at Sanctuary Spa in Saratoga Springs! Part 3/4 of the spectacular summer giveaways sponsored by Heineken starts today! Comment below and on our Facebook page and tell us your favorite way to de-stress after a long day to enter to win a $200 gift certificate to Sanctuary Spa in Saratoga Springs. Every Thursday in August we will be posting a new contest-so be sure to check back with us each week for updates! After a long and stressful week, what could be better than enjoying your choice of body treatments, getting pampered, and just having some time to yourself? We’ve partnered with Heineken to give you an opportunity to win a relaxing, luxurious day at the spa!  Sanctuary Spa of Saratoga Springs  uses  state of the art nonsurgical aesthetic technologies to provide each of their clients with a truly unique experience!  Sanctuary Spa has a wide variety of body treatment services available. A few of their body treatments include: seaweed and green clay mud masque and wrap, infrared sauna therapy, hydrotherapy, facials, manicure & pedicure, massage, threading, and waxing (visit Sanctuary Spa’s website for a comlplete list of services). To enter to win, comment below AND on our Facebook page by August 21st at 2PM and tell us your favorite way to de-stress after a long day! One randomly selected winner will receive a $200 gift certificate to Sanctuary Spa in Saratoga Springs. The winner will be announced on August 22nd. Read official rules here. Want a chance to win two tickets to Chicago and Doobie Brothers concert at SPAC?! Open your world with Chicago and Doobie Brothers! Part 2/4 of the spectacular summer giveaways sponsored by Heineken starts today! Enter to win two tickets to Chicago and Doobie Brothers show at SPAC on August 21st! Every Thursday we will be posting a new contest-so be sure to check back with us each week for updates! Does listening to Chicago and the Doobie Brothers bring you back to the good old days?  We have two tickets to their show at Saratoga Performing Arts Center that you could win!  To enter, leave a comment below AND on our Facebook page by August 14th at 2:00PM telling us your favorite song from the ‘70s and why you love it!   The Chicago and Doobie Brothers concert at SPAC will be on Tuesday, August 21st at 7:30PM. Along with the two tickets to the show, the winner will also receive a preferred parking pass.  The winner will be announced on August 15th. Read official rules here. Want to win four tickets to a major league baseball game? Tell us which baseball team your family loves to cheer for! Is your family looking for some exciting ways to get out and celebrate the last weeks of summer? What better way than to enjoy America’s favorite pastime with your family! We want to give you a chance to win four tickets to a Yankees, Mets, or Red Sox game*-your choice! Simply comment below AND on our Facebook page and tell us who your family roots for! Are there any family rivalries, or is your family loyal to the same team?! We want to hear about it! To enter to win, comment below AND on our Facebook page by August 1st at 2:00PM. Summer is a great time to relax and enjoy time with your family. Bayer understands how important it is to keep your family healthy…especially in preparation of a new school year starting up! To help keep your family strong and energized (so you can all proudly root for your team!), check out our Facebook page for an exclusive coupon for $2 off any Bayer One A Day multivitamin or Flintstones vitamin.

This contest runs from Monday, July 30th to Wednesday August 1st at 2:00PM. One winner will be randomly selected and will receive four tickets to the baseball game of their choice. The winner will be announced on Thursday, August 2nd. Read official rules here. *This promotion only applies to regular season games.
Written by Tyler Blance
Produce Merchandising Intern

Farmer Dave Shaul with his lettuce and summer squash!

Price Chopper has been buying from local growers for over 75 years. Currently, we do business with over 70 local growers; some deliver to our warehouse, some deliver directly to our stores. An important part of our locally grown program is Price Chopper’s involvement with 4H, a youth development organization that gives children the opportunity to grow and sell fresh produce in their communities. The Golub family has been supporting 4H groups since 1965. Children who belong to 4H can plant, grow, and sell their produce in our stores. Locally grown 2012 has been off to a great start this year. I’ve journeyed out to three local farms so far: Each farm has been an important part of our locally grown program each summer and fall. Shaul Farms, located right outside of Middleburgh, NY, has been working with Price Chopper since 1985. Back then, Dave and Jim Shaul would load up a pickup truck of straight-from-the-ground produce and head over to our Cobleskill, NY store (after a days work on the farm was completed) and bring in their fresh crops. These days, Shaul Farms supplies a number of Price Choppers all around the Capital District and Oneonta. Currently the farm is shipping lettuce to our stores, so keep an eye out for locally grown Shaul Farms lettuce! Davandjer Farms in Pine Island NY started with a simple 10 acre plot of land. The farm has grown into a much larger operation; currently they have around 190 acres of crops! Andrew Gurda (owner) and his team supply Price Chopper with onions, although some stores carry his lettuce and baby red potatoes. Look for the greyhound label on certain onion bags; it’s from Andrew and his farm! In addition to being an established local grower, Andrew supports and donates to Produce for Kids: an organization that encourages healthy eating among kids and families. [wpvideo 4t4F9Hbx] Paul Mazza Farms in Colchester Vermont has been in Price Chopper’s locally grown program for ten years. Paul Mazza (owner) has been farming on his own for 27 years: starting with 20 acres and growing his farm to 250 acres! Currently, Mazza Farms supplies Vermont area stores with fresh, delicious strawberries. “Vermont strawberries have more taste than Florida or California berries. There’s nothing like Vermont strawberries!” Mazza confidently claims. Price Chopper’s locally grown program will continue to run all throughout the summer. Local farmers have been working hard to provide people with fresh, flavorful produce, so enjoy the fruits (and vegetables) of their labor! I will continue to update you on locally grown happenings, so check back to see what’s growing on near you!

Farmer Paul Mazza and his daughter displaying his juicy strawberries!

When it comes to summer, there’s nothing better than a juicy, flavorful rack of pork ribs to complete the perfect meal. Because pork is such a versatile meat, you can easily adapt any recipe for the occasion and your palate! In fact, it’s easy to change the flavor profile of any cut of pork cut, especially ribs, just by adding different dry rubs, liquid seasonings, sauces, or even a single ingredient. With all of the great combinations of brines, marinades (wet seasoning), rubs (dry seasoning), mops, glazes and sauces, the options are endless (and often overwhelming!).  Here are some quick tips and tricks to ensure your ribs are lip-smackin’ good: Marinades Marinades are a great way to add flavor to grilled pork, by enhancing the juiciness and complexity. In addition to using a base of oil (to lock in the flavor and keep food moist), standard marinades include salt, an acid (such as lemon juice, wine, vinegar or citrus) and other flavor-boosting ingredients. Quick tip: Adding sweet ingredients to the marinade can help form appealing caramelized, crispy coatings on grilled meats, but be careful not to add too many sweet components, since sugars burn quickly. Rubs Rubs are blends of spices, herbs and often salt, that are applied to the meat before cooking. Rubs (also referred to as dry marinades) are a great way to form a crust and add flavor to the meat. These blends are rubbed onto food 15-20 minutes before cooking. Quick tip: Don’t rub the seasonings too hard into the food – it can damage the texture and risk over seasoning. Instead, sprinkle the rub from side to side over the pork from about a foot above. This will help evenly distribute the rub. Pat gently for the seasonings to adhere. Sauces, Glazes and Spritzes Often inspired by regions including Memphis, Kansas City or North Carolina, sauces can help define your style of barbecue. Sauces are typically added at the end of cooking time to add an additional layer of flavor and moisture. Favorite bottled sauces are fantastic stand-bys – and also an opportunity to get inspired. For more tips and tricks, as well as hundreds of finger-lickin’ good rib recipes, visit http://www.porkbeinspired.com. It’s that time of the year where we’re all looking for that perfect, delicious but slimming summer treat! New Lipton Tea & Honey is a great tasting low-calorie drink that will satisfy your thirst and your sweet tooth! Lipton Tea & Honey reminds Hilary Scott from Lady Antebellum of their hit song “American Honey”. Scott says her fans really love this song because it “takes you back to your childhood”. Do you love Lady Antebellum? Want to win two tickets to their concert? Tell us why you’d love to go to their concert next week! Post your story below as well as on our facebook page by today at 2:00PM today to be entered. We will choose two winners to each receive two tickets to the Lady Antebellum concert next Wednesday, June 13th in Bethel NY. New Lipton Tea and Honey comes in six refreshing flavors: Mango Pineapple, Pomegranate, Lemon, Peach Apricot, Strawberry Acai, and Black Currant Raspberry.  Each Lipton Tea & Honey iced tea mix is only 5 calories per 8 fl. Oz. serving- so you can feel good about enjoying your tasty summer refreshment! Each Tea & Honey tea flavor is available in to-go easy to use packets that you can take with you anywhere as well as family friendly pitcher sizes to share with all your friends! Learn more about Lipton Tea & Honey at www.makinglifebetter.com. Read official contest rules here!