Written by Jane Golub Director In-Store Marketing Programs July 9, 2017 BORN SWEET ZING ORGANIC STEVIA SWEETENER Introducing Born Sweet Zing Organic Stevia Sweetener – perfect sweetness for body and mind.  Enjoy the delicious sweetening experience of Born Sweet Zing Organic Stevia Sweetener made with real ingredients – nothing artificial.bornsweetzing80ct It has the sweetness found in Mother Nature’s stevia plant, which means Zing was born sweet.  Grown in accordance with USDA organic practices, and zero calories make Born Sweet Zing absolutely perfect for adding a delicious sweetness to favorite foods and drinks throughout the day. Sprinkle it into coffee, tea or over fruit and yogurt, or try it in homemade smoothies.  Tasty recipes for smoothies and more await you at zingstevia.com. Born Sweet Zing Organic Stevia Sweetener can be found in the Baking aisle.