Written by our friends at Green Mountain Energy
Say it with us: Earth is awesome! And it also happens to be the only one we have. Every day, we celebrate this beautiful planet we call home, but each April 22, we like to give it a little bit more love.
Earth Day is here again, the perfect opportunity to think about how even the smallest choices can make a lasting difference. The perfect example?
Choosing to power your home with renewable energy!
Did you know that electricity generated from fossil fuels accounts for 25% of man-made greenhouse gas emissions in the U.S.? That means that, by choosing clean energy to power your home, you’re opting out of a full quarter of the national carbon footprint and significantly lowering your own footprint at the same time. Pretty great, if you ask us.
But what if you aren’t using clean energy and you want to start? The answer is simple. All you have to do to choose clean energy is to switch your electricity plan. And when you make that decision today, you can make that impact every day for as long as you stay on your renewable energy plan. It’s really that easy to take a full quarter off your annual footprint.
Make the switch in a snap with a 100% clean energy plan from our friends at Green Mountain Energy. You’ll also earn 10,000 AdvantEdge Rewards points ($100 value) after 2 months of service and 1,000 points ($10 value) every 6 months for as long as you keep your plan.
So, whether you’re new to renewable energy or you’re an old pro, you can celebrate Earth Day at your house all year long with an electricity plan that doesn’t hurt the planet and rewards you!