Request a refund for an item purchased online.
IMPORTANT: Items purchased online can not be returned to the store. You may still get a refund for items purchased online by following a set of the directions that are applicable to your purchase.
For an order placed through our Price Chopper app, follow these steps:
1. When your order is completed, you will receive a text with a link asking you to review your order.
2. Tap the link, and tap “next” and rate your experience.
3. Tap “Report an Issue” below the comment box and select the reason for the refund (wrong item, missing item, damaged item, etc). Then select the item and tap “submit issue”. You will receive an email from Instacart letting you know the amount that will be refunded to your account.
For an order placed through the Instacart App, follow these steps:
1. Go to the Instacart app and tap the account icon to access your account; select “Your Orders” to find the purchase with the item you would like a refund for and tap on that order.
2. Tap the “Rate Order” button at the bottom of the screen.
3. Rate your order 4 or less stars or tap “Report an issue”.
4. Select the reason for the refund (wrong item, missing item, damaged item, etc). and select the item. When you are finished, tap “submit issues”. You will receive an email from Instacart letting you know the amount that will be refunded to your account.
Instacart support volume is very high right now – it will take a few days for the refund to appear on your account so thank you in advance for being patient.