1200x628_spring_cleaning_3 Although winter has been reluctant to loosen its grip, spring is finally in the air, and it’s time to get our homes ready to greet it. Spring cleaning was a time-honored tradition when I was growing up. I remember my mother throwing open the windows to “air out the house” and let the fresh smell of spring in. She would then go about cleaning the house from top to bottom. 1080x1080_spring_cleaningSpring cleaning is still a great way to freshen up and de-clutter. It’s also the perfect time to update your living space, and give it a fresh, new look for the season. Not sure where to start? Start off by ensuring you and your family are safe. Test smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors if you didn’t do it last month when the time changed, and replace batteries if necessary. Next, spring into action with easy cleaning and no or minimal cost decorating tips that will allow you to enjoy your home and the warm weather that is on the way. Now that your home sparkles and shines, take a deep breath and enjoy! — Author: Maureen Rowan Murphy, Manager Consumer Trends, Nutrition and Lifestyles