What’s your favorite food to enjoy with a big glass of milk? Are you a milk and cookies fan or do you love drinking milk with your morning breakfast? Tell us how you enjoy Gaelick Farms Dairy Pure Milk for the chance to win two tickets to meet “CeCe” from
Shake it Up! at the Back to School Expo in Albany, New York on September 7th, 2013. Leave your answer below and on our
Facebook page to be entered- two winners will be randomly selected to receive two tickets each to meet CeCe.
Did you know only 1 out of 3 kids start their school day with a healthy breakfast? Kids that start their day with a breakfast filled with quality protein, whole grains, and fruit can achieve higher test scores, increased concentration, and better attendance at school.
Protein at breakfast can help power you through the morning so you can win the day. Garelick Farms Dairy Pure® milk is a delicious, easy and affordable way to get high quality protein in the morning. Read official contest rules
here and leave your comment by Friday, August 30th to enter!