The Salvation Army Bell Ringer
When 72-year-old Ed Evans read in a newspaper article that his local Salvation Army wasn’t going to be able to put out all their Red Kettles for the annual fundraiser because of a shortage of Bell Ringers, he knew what he had to do.
“I had previously volunteered in a Salvation Army shelter helping to serve lunch and I really enjoyed my experience there,” Evans said. “With no golf matches, garden or lawn work to do in the winters of upstate New York, I knew I had the time to volunteer my services as a Bell Ringer.”
The Red Kettle fundraiser helps The Salvation Army provide local families and individuals in need with food, clothing, and other resources throughout the year, as well as presents under the Christmas tree for local children. And, as the need for Salvation Army assistance has continued to increase due to current economic hardships, so has the need for volunteers.
Whether it’s ringing bells at a Red Kettle for a couple of hours, sorting donations of toys and clothing, or helping parents pick out that perfect Christmas present for their child at a Salvation Army toy shop, volunteers are the backbone of The Salvation Army.
During his multiple shifts as a Bell Ringer, Evans said he was heartened by the many shoppers who not only donated to the Red Kettle, but who also thanked him for volunteering.
“When kids asked about the Bell and Kettle, parents would explain about helping the less fortunate and would give them a dollar to put in the Kettle,” Evans said. “It felt great to be a part of this enlightening experience and to see the immediate reaction of a child’s contribution.”
Evans added that he had a lot of fun and met many interesting people during his multiple shifts as a volunteer Bell Ringer.
“A dollar here, five dollars there…one man put in a twenty,” Evans said. “A few even wrote checks or ran out to their cars to be able to contribute. At the end of each of my volunteer shifts I felt as if I had given $1,000 myself. I knew that the money I had help to raise would go on to help those in need in my community.”
To enquire about Salvation Army volunteer opportunities, call your local Salvation Army, or text “TSAVolunteer” to 31333