Written by Jane N. Golub
Director In-Store Marketing Programs

You deserve to think about your own satisfaction for once. When you say “Hello” to Light & Fit Greek – you help say “Good-Bye” to temptations! Temptations are inevitable and often very loud. But Light & Fit Greek can help silence those temptations.
Dannon has combined the deliciously thick creamy satisfaction of Greek nonfat yogurt with the taste you expect from Dannon Light & Fit. Light & Fit Greek has 80 calories per 5.3 oz. serving, 0% fat and twice the protein of regular lowfat yogurt.
Light & Fit Greek is a good source of riboflavin, calcium, protein, phosphorus and Vitamin D. Delicious AND nutritious! Dannon listened and now Light & Fit Greek is available in Strawberry-Banana. Yum!
Living healthy isn’t about the number on a scale. It’s a journey of making smart choices and feeling great. Try some Dannon Light & Fit Greek today and stop with the sacrificing already!
Look for Dannon Light & Fit Greek in the Yogurt section of the Dairy aisle.

Garelick Farms TruMoo Lowfat Orange Vanilla Milk is back for a limited time only!
TruMoo Lowfat Orange Vanilla Milk, with its festive orange color, is spooktacular as a Halloween treat! Along with TruMoo Lowfat Chocolate Milk, it’s dressed up with a fun label for Halloween! TruMoo Lowfat Vanilla Milk offers the same wholesome goodness of regular Lowfat TruMoo with essential protein, calcium and vitamins A & D kids need every day.
TruMoo Vanilla Milk is made with delicious vanilla flavor and just enough sugar (no high fructose corn syrup). TruMoo Lowfat Vanilla Milk is only available in Half Gallons for the month of October. Look for specially marked caps on TruMoo Lowfat Chocolate Gallon and Half Gallon and TruMoo Lowfat Orange Vanilla Milk Half Gallon packages to enter to win a Haunted Hollywood Vacation to Fox Studios and download a coupon for $2.00 off a Goosebumps DVD!
www.TruMoo.com for more information. Look for Garelick Farms TruMoo Lowfat Orange Vanilla Milk in the Milk section of the Dairy aisle.