Written by Jane N. Golub
Director In-Store Marketing Programs
Dannon Oikos Dips are available in three flavors!

The hearty French Onion flavor combined with creamy thick Dannon Oikos Traditional Greek Yogurt creates a dip that is nothing short of spectacular. It’s a great snack for anytime of the day and a crowd pleased.
Ring the bell for Roasted Red Bell Pepper flavor! Your pita chips and veggies won’t be able to stay away from the bold taste of Dannon Yogurt Dips made with Dannon Traditional Greek Yogurt.
Vegetable Herb Oikos Dip is like dipping into your very own vegetable garden! It’s an irresistible medley of carrots, peppers and a savory-sweet hint of basil blended with Dannon Oikos Traditional Greek Yogurt.
Dannon Oikos Dips deliver a permissible indulgence, made with your favorite traditional Oikos Greek Yogurt and ZERO sour cream. Dannon Oikos Dips have HALF the calories and 80% LESS fat than the #1 Dairy Dip.
Look for Dannon Oikos Dips in the Dairy aisle!
Take a fresh look at Frozen with new Lean Cuisine Honestly good items. These new 100% all natural, ingredient focused recipes, are made with delicious thoughtfully selected whole ingredients. Items include whole chicken breast filets, whole wild caught salmon and white fish filets.

Items include Pomegranate Chicken, which has whole grilled chicken breast filet with green beans, yellow beans, ribbon cut carrots and whole grain pilaf with currants. All of this topped with a pomegranate glaze sauce that comes in a separate sauce pouch so you can customize your eating experience to your liking.
All new Lean Cuisine Honestly Good items can be found in the Natural/Organic frozen section of the store and include a 100% recyclable outer sleeve and a new translucent tray. The product makers are also working with local farmers through the United States by creating an Honestly Good Giving initiative that donates the same great vegetables made in these products through local farmers to local charities.