Goofy Gourds with Jodie Fitz
Ready to have a little family fun making goofy gourds? Follow these easy steps…
- Go for a hunt through your local Price Chopper/Market 32 Supermarket as a family and discover a whole lot of crafty fun.
- Bring your finds home.
- Make memories together creating goofy gourds!
It’s that easy.
Skies the limit…create a Cyclops, give your gourds hair and silly faces, dress them…whatever you envision you can create.
Suggested Supplies:
You can find everything you need at your local Price Chopper/Market 32 Supermarkets. Here’s a list along with an aisle aide for your shopping fun
Seasonal and Produce
- Gourds
- Spider Web
School Supplies
- Construction Paper
- Rubber Cement (glue)
- Pipe Cleaners
- Tape
- Scissors
Baking Aisle
- Candy Eyes
- Cupcake liners
Card/Wrapping Supplies
- Tissue Paper
- Ribbon
Take a Price Chopper/Market 32 paper bag. Fold it flat and create on top of the bag so that you can simply fold it up and toss out the mess when you are finished.