Mia Teal
Marketing Coordinator, Paid Media
Spring is a time for new beginnings. All around us, trees are blossoming, the birds are chirping, and life is getting more beautiful by the day. Another important aspect of spring that we like to honor is Earth Day. Even though the day has passed, we want to help you make Earth Day, everyday! Part of helping out our planet is by lessening, or eliminating food waste in the household. Did you know that over 100 billion pounds of food is wasted in the United States each year? Those numbers are nothing short of frightening. Luckily, we have ways to help you combat the fight against food waste. What better day to start than today, National “Stop Food Waste Day?”
- Freeze/Store Leftovers: There are so many products that can be frozen. For example, if you bought too much meat this week, you can freeze it instead of throwing it away. Other items that can be put in the freezer include bread, fruit, vegetables, and more! If you do make too much one night, try storing it for your lunch or dinner the next day.
- Meal Plan: Set a day each week to sit down with your family and meal plan. For example, you could create a dinner outline to map out what the main course meal will be, what sides you plan to have, and any refreshments. Do this for each day of the week so that when you go to the grocery store, you already know what to buy and how much.
- Check expiration dates: How many times have you gone through your refrigerator, only to find an expired product that you completely forgot about? We’ve all been there. Regularly going through your refrigerator and pantry to check expiration dates is a huge step in the right direction! A helpful tip would be to locate items that are expiring soon and move them towards the front.
- Make a meal from a meal: There are always options to use your leftovers to make another meal. Examples of this include soup, sandwiches, and salads. Check out our recipes website or our Price Chopper Ready website for delicious meal ideas that can be made from your initial meal.
Donate: The next time you go through your pantry and find food that you no longer want or need, consider donating these products to your local food bank. Unsure of where to drop off your food? Check out Feeding America’s website to locate a food bank near you!