Sunday is the perfect time to take a break, slow down your busy schedule, and enjoy some well-deserved relaxation. Because of these classic characteristics, it seems fitting that International Sloth Day falls on a Sunday this year. Annually, October 20th is a day of appreciation for these sluggish tree dwellers and this year we are proud to be celebrating with the folks at Double H Ranch!
Sloths are known for hanging out in the trees of tropical rain forests. Their extremely low metabolic rate is the reason behind their remarkably slow lifestyle. In fact, they only move approximately 41 yards in a single day, as they spend 15-20 of their 24 hours sleeping. Despite their drowsy nature, sloths are actually skilled swimmers, using their long arms to successfully wade through the water. Don’t believe us? Check out the video below for proof.
On top of all this, sloths can be cute and are a great choice when deciding which stuffed animal toy to buy. We teamed up with our friends at Double H Ranch to offer these stuffed animal sloths for a great cause! Double H runs camps for children with life-threatening illnesses, working to make lasting memories and enrich lives. With their help, you can stop by your local Price Chopper/Market 32 and purchase a stuffed animal sloth for $10. $3 of each purchase will be donated to benefit the kids at Double H!
Enjoy International Sloth Day and be sure to love a sloth in support of Double H Ranch!
And here’s that swimming sloth we promised, courtesy of BBC America…