Written by Jane Golub Director In-Store Marketing Programs March 12, 2017


The CDC reports nearly half of U.S. Adults 30+ have some form of periodontal disease*. New Parodontax is a daily fluoride toothpaste that is clinically proven to help prevent bleeding gums – for healthy gums and strong teeth.parodontaxcleanminttoothpaste Parodontax is three times more effective at reducing plaque, the cause of bleeding gums*. Find all three flavors, Extra Fresh, Clean Mint and Whitening in the Toothpaste aisle.  From the makers of Sensodyne.   *Sources: GSK Omnibus, CDC-Eke Pl, Dye B, Wei L, Thornton-Evans G. Genco R. Prevalence of periodontitis in Adults in the United States: 2009 and 2010