Local dairy farms are an important piece of our Northeast economy. In New York, dairy production makes up for nearly half of the total agriculture output, and there are over 900 dairy farms in the state of Vermont alone! Dairy farms are one of the lifelines of the Northeast, and we’re proud to team up with a variety of local dairies in communities throughout our Northeast footprint.
Our PICS milk is bottled in New York with the help of over 500 Northeast dairy farmers: When you take home a jug of our milk, you’re taking home the product of hard-working local farmers (and cows) from our region.
Argus Acres is an example of one of these local dairy farms. Located a few miles from our Cobleskill store in rural Sharon Springs NY, the farm was founded in 1948 and has proudly served the local community ever since. The Argus family shares their hometown with the Fabulous Beekman Boys and their Beekman 1802 Mercantile shop!
Taft’s Maple and Milk Farm is another Northeast dairy farm staple, located in Huntington VT, just a short drive from our Barre store. The Taft family farm is unique: it thrives off of Jersey cattle and maple sugaring. Maple sugaring is a staple all over Taft’s home state: Vermont alone produces about 6% of the world’s syrup supply!
Located in Hudson Falls, NY, Ideal Dairy Farms is another great local dairy farm. These folks are just a few miles down the road from our Fort Edward store. Ideal Dairy first began selling milk to local residents around 1908. These days they produce over 16,000 gallons of milk per day! Despite operating for over 100 years, the vision of Ideal Dairy has remained unchanged: they’re committed to the production of quality milk for their community.
There are lots of dairy farms in top-producing states like California and Wisconsin, but we choose to source our PICS milk from our neighbors, which traces back to our home.grown. philosophy that everything tastes better when it’s produced nearby. These local dairy farms are just a few of the many hard-working folks that help us bring the highest quality local products to your table.
When it’s made or grown here, we get it here: from milk to marinara sauce!