Written by Jane N. GolubDirector In-Store Marketing Programs
For recipes and tips, visit www.hojiblancausa.com and look for Hojiblanca Extra Virgin Olive Oil on the Cooking Oil aisle.
Lose weight, lower body fat and increase lean muscle with TrimFit All Natural Weight Loss Water!
While results may vary, TrimFit, with a balanced diet and exercise program, can help you achieve and maintain healthy weight levels and a toned body shape. TrimFit’s patented ingredient, Trisynex, targets reduction of body fat – helping you achieve a healthy lifestyle.
For best results, based on clinical studies, drink three (3) bottles daily. Look for TrimFit Weight Loss Water in the Diet and Nutrition aisle.
The complex, but balanced, taste of Hojiblanca Extra Virgin Olive Oil make it the perfect oil for almost any culinary use. A single variety oil with a unique character, but at the same time, mild and fruity. Hojiblanca is the largest producer of Extra Virgin Olive Oil in the world and this premium quality Olive Oil is now available at Price Chopper! Hojiblanca is a cooperative of 65,000 associated farmers located in the middle of the Andalusia region of Southern Spain. They carefully monitor, trace and control the process from tree to finished product, which allows them to guarantee the quality and low acidity of every bottle of Hojiblanca Olive Oil. Their quality Olive Oil combined with the new unique “DAMA Bottle” with the integrated pourer for perfect portion control (which was recently awarded the “best in packaging” by the World Packaging Organization for the design) make it a winning combination!