Ellie Wilson, MS, RDN, CDN Senior Nutritionist
Delicious dairy delivers so many benefits – good nutrition, positive economic impact and sustainable use of resources. Working tirelessly caring for their cows, farmers ensure their systems and safeguards protect families and farm workers, milk safety and quality, and the environment. True stewards of the land, dairy farmers lead the way with constant innovation. Combining biology, chemistry, technology, economics and more, they provide wholesome milk to our communities.
Best practices for dairy sustainability include:
1. Innovating water quality management, above and underground. Local dairy farm families, like E-Z Acres in Homer NY, are good stewards of the land and good neighbors. They are committed to caring for the environment and protecting the water supply for their communities: https://www.americandairy.com/news-and-events/news/news/e-z-acres-wins-outstanding-dairy-farm-sustainability-award.stml
2. Waste management and recycling – farmers recycle hay into clean bedding for cows and recycle manure as fertilizer for feed and cover crops. High quality milk begins with MurcrestFarm in Copenhagen NY and other dairy farms providing cows with high quality feed:
3. Methane digesters that transform methane from manure into farm and home energy supplies. At Wagner Farms in Poestenkill NY, a methane digester turns cow waste into enough electricity to power the dairy farm and their community! Meet the Wagner Farm Family: https://www.americandairy.com/dairy-farms/farm-families/wagner-family.stml
There are many more examples. A true natural resource, milk and dairy products like cheese, ice cream and yogurt are the beginning and end of this energetic and time-honored cycle. Your local dairy farmers are making sure you can enjoy them all today, and tomorrow!