Red Jacket Orchards Apple Juice- Apple juice is the quintessential drink of choice for children and now Price Chopper is offering a great deal on this delicious item from Red Jacket Orchards! We are dedicated to bringing our customers the best local products and Red Jacket Orchards is committed to producing high quality, all-natural juices! Red Jacket Orchard is located right in Upstate NY and has been pressing fresh and healthy juices for over 50 years and now our customers will be able to purchase it right at their local Price Chopper. Red Jacket Orchard believes in simplicity when pressing their fruit—none of the juices come from concentrate, have artificial coloring or flavoring, or are diluted with water. Price Chopper will be carrying three of their delicious juice flavors: Joe’s Summer Blend, Raspberry Apple Juice, and Strawberry Apple Juice! These juices are an excellent source of fiber , and all of Red Jacket Orchard’s juices are lactose free, gluten free, and vegan! Take advantage of our Facebook Coupon and give your kids something to talk about at lunchtime!