It’s Dairy Month and we’re putting some of our local dairy partners in the spotlight! Our region is home to some of the best milk in the world, and we’re proud to team up with a variety of local dairy farms here in the Northeast. When it’s made or grown here, we get it here!
Insight Dairy, Little Falls, NY

Thomas Dairy, Rutland, VT
Thomas Dairy has been a local partners of ours for over a decade. Placed perfectly in the hills of Rutland, VT the farm has been providing milk since 1921. Orin Thomas first purchased the farm in 1854, and his first purebred Holstein in 1901. When Thomas died in 1909, his son took over management of the farm, which had 40 Holsteins by then. By 1921, Thomas’ son was delivering milk to Rutland City, and Thomas Dairy was born!

HP Hood, Lynnfield, MA
Hood® has provided fresh, quality dairy products for 170 years. In 1846, the company was founded in Charlestown, Massachusetts and since then has expanded to become a national distributor of dairy products throughout the United States.

Hudson’s Dairy, Fulton, NY
We are a proud neighbor of Hudson’s Dairy, as they are located right around the corner from our Fulton store. Founded in 1931 by Daniel Hudson, Hudson’s was originally a 120-cow dairy in Granby. During the early 90’s, the dairy expanded and moved to its current address in Fulton. Today, the family’s third and fourth generations are in charge of the business.

There are lots of dairy farms in top-producing dairy states like California and Wisconsin, but we choose to source our PICS milk from our neighbors. It’s a part of our home.grown. philosophy that everything tastes better when it’s produced nearby. These farms are just a few of the many hardworking, dedicated neighbors that help us provide the highest quality, local products during Dairy Month and throughout the year!