Have you checked out our online helpful guides for the holidays? If you haven’t yet, we’re having a scavenger hunt this week where you can enter to win one of three $100 Price Chopper gift cards. Our online magazines, Cheers! and Let Us Entertain You are now readily available online, providing helpful entertaining tips, festive recipes and much more! It’s easy- just check out our Facebook page Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of this week and answer each of the questions posted by emailing your answers to [email protected]. We will randomly select three people who answer all three questions correctly to each receive $100 Price Chopper gift cards!
The links to each of the magazines are below- good luck!!
Cheers!Let Us Entertain You
Email your answers to photos@pricechopper .com by 8:00AM Thursday, December 13th to be entered. Read official contest rules here.