Cereal 2.o – Hi! Happy Inside Cereals for Digestive Wellness

by Ellie Wilson, MS, RDN, CDN

Digestive health keeps rising as a concern for Americans. That is not surprising – Americans of all ages are missing key nutrients, particularly fiber. Only 5% of Americans get enough*, and interest in whole grains and higher fiber foods, as well as probiotics and microbiome health are bringing some innovative products to the table. Enter a somewhat new category of “functional” foods, that is, healthy whole foods that have been enhanced or fortified to bring state-of- the-science benefits to consumers. Just hitting shelves is a new item that fits the bill – Hi! Happy Inside Cereals.

With over 100 years of researching how to bring the benefits of whole grains to Americans of all ages and stages, the nutrition scientists at Kellogg’s have taken an exciting “Power-of-Three-in-One” approach to digestive wellness. In these cereals, that includes (1) prebiotics, a type of fiber that feeds friendly, (2) symbiotic bacteria, known as the microbiome, in our digestive system; live probiotics, beneficial bacteria packaged in yogurty pieces, and (3) whole grains and fiber to round out the flavor and crunch.  Three popular flavors – coconut, strawberry and blueberry, make it easy to enjoy this cereal/granola/functional food. In portable cups for busy kids and adults, you can explore their flavors and benefits anywhere you need a snack or quick meal. They do have some saturated fat, so check the label to learn more about this innovative item and how it can support your digestive wellness! 

*Identifying practical solutions to meet America’s fiber needs: proceedings from the Food & Fiber Summit. (https://dx.doi.org/10.3390%2Fnu6072540)

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